403b-457 Match
It has recently come to our attention that not everyone eligible for the 403B/457 district match is receiving it even though they are contributing to a plan. We have filed a grievance about it but need to figure out who has been effected by this. We also want to bring an awareness around this so even for those who are not currently contributing but might in the future that we don’t end up repeating the issue. Below is a breakdown of who is eligible for what.
Hired by the district prior to May 1st, 1996:
Early Retirement Medical Insurance (55-64 years old at retirement) – Contributes the amount that you were receiving when you retired towards regular medical insurance.
Retiree Medical Insurance (65+ years old at retirement or continuation from Early Retirement) – Contributes money towards a Medicare Supplemental policy.
Not eligible for District Match to a 403B/457 plan.
Hired by the district from May 1st, 1996 to January 1st, 2014:
Early Retirement Medical Insurance (55-64 years old at retirement) – Contributes the amount that you were receiving when you retired towards regular medical insurance.
Currently $1,150 per year District Match to a 403B/457 plan. (Previous to July 1st, 2019 it was $1,000 per year)
Hired by the district after January 1st, 2014:
Currently $1,350 per year District Match to a 403B/457 plan. (Previous to July 1st, 2019 it was $1,200 per year)
$200 per year contribution to a HSA (Health Savings Account). Must choose the HSA medical insurance option to get this contribution.